
The voice of the fragile

Our ability to create depends on our ability to imagine. To go beyond what already is. Beyond what we usually call reality – the social constructions and ideas designed by ourselves, that give us a feeling of being safe. Beyond the things we can touch with our skin, see with our eyes, taste with our tongue. We have a strong power inside of us. To sense on the inside. How deep can…

The Broken Messenger

What is erotic? The ability to move between near and far is erotic. The ability to have your sense of self, your self-control, taken away – and to do the same for another person.  The ability to move between control and relinquishing. Between being giver and receiver. To forget that you are more than a body. To where language will disappear.   And then… to have the distance restored. You are gently…

A new beginning has arrived

So, I am sitting here with a new book at my hand. Wondering why this book is still needed and can I openly receive the ideas within it? Will it change my life forever? Or will it pass like a wind? Can I then meet you in a room and communicate anything of matter in the now to affect the way you see the world for a few minutes? Is…

The Here And Now – seeding, sketching and unfolding

My name is Eduardo Abrantes, I am an artistic researcher with a hybrid practice, sometimes I use the name pairsofthree when working mostly with and within sound. This text, however, is not about me as myself but about the early stages of development of the circumstantial entity known as The Here And Now. The Here And Now was born under the influence of my own expectations and someone else’s voice…

Creating entYmology /Visiting Artist ICM

The mix up of entomology and etymology has followed me. It all started with a member of the Cantharidae family gazing through the camera lens, followed up by a dried out cicada falling down from a tree as I cried. I felt I needed to realize something: For a long time I had thought that the humanistic science fields were the only true ones, as they derive from human experiences,…

The Untamed

In my classes I want to explore subjects that I never had in school. Subject I was missing with out knowing it – before I meet my Sister. She ask me: “If you where to decide which classes would you have had in your school time?” I brought the question with me and wandered. For a long time I ask myself that question. What did I miss in my school…

The Conjuress – initial thoughts

The Conjuress appears and disappears like clouds forming, shifting and vanishing in the sky. Classes will be conducted with those who are in the right place when the time is right. Classes will involve sleeping, waking and breathing with space, becoming an extension of a place, an object, a moment, a touch. Finding the innate potential of that, which is already there and bringing new meaning to it. Sleepwalking, drifting,…