
The wind

The wind She was born out in the wild, wide ocean She loves to play among the waves, in the trees and along the sandy shores She can be light as a cool breeze but also furious as a typhoon She moves in unpredictable patterns and can be seen in many places at the same time She connects the past, present and the future She travels from continent to continent…

Making the Invisible Visible

About our artistic research Making the invisible visible Sounds, smells, pictures, textures and tastes are connected to memories, to specific occasions and places. Our senses are keys to a hidden story of diversity. We want to explore these keys to the hidden. Our memories makes us into human beings. Without memories we are a shapeless mass. The city contains and hide a myriad of untold stories and memories. Invisible stories…

Bridge builder and gab-explorer

In my work-life, I explore and build bridges in the gap between the public School and the national church in Denmark and aesthetics. More than 4000 pupils every year pass through my hands discussing, sensing, wondering, working, expressing, opening and asking for meaning in this gab. It is about understanding religion – not about practicing religion. The experiment is to let priests and churches be a reservoir of knowledge, history,…

The crack – the crackle – the opening…

The crack – the crackle – the opening for light and darkness, sounds and silence. The opening for something new or something old to be found, profound or in the surface. A crack in a rock, a crack in the mirror, a crack in the everyday surface. It opens up for experiences of you and I, the other and the self, the inner and the outer. The secure ground is…


I find a freedom in being But to meet a human, that’s something else I’m nothing more then my surroundings
 and I play. unforeseen. unselectively. in light. When a sadness swallows me I cry out stilled on a stone all the losts, and nevers, and never agains Till birds and seas trip me back in the play of just being Now, in stead of seducing human eyes I’ll try to…

The Alien

The Alien is of the fabric of sound and imagination. Emotion moves him through space. His function is unknown to himself, but gravitation and sensation guides him. He travels towards the original big bang of music and words to explore this planet. The Alien is drawn to color, heat and the future.


The Green Light is a life affirming personality that can suddenly turn red. That’s how she is reminded of the importance to respect her own and other’s limits. The Listener listens to her own needs and feelings, at the same time as she is silently attentive and curious about all the beings around her. Together we will meet you in class to explore physical communication, deep play and the art…