Visiting Researchers


Time has passed. Time passes. So does space. So does the material. Phenomena move in and out of spacetimematter. Or spacetimematter move in and out of phenomena. What is a set design in one spacetimematter is lesson plan in another. What is an initial ritual in one spacetimematter is ”Quiet please!” in another. A cap is also a power structure. A red carpet simultaneously cozy and threatening. White is innocent and death. Black…

Mr. Rice & peanuts do not do homework

regarding homework home at work, always working at home when not home also work(ing) and when not working nothing sticks we only work when we hang out other times are for me working and you worrying – at home or what turns out to be a temporary way of living. free flow of thoughts typed and inserted, still questions of structures and hierarchies linger in the system here if a…


Transmission I did not have any particular expectations. I tried to be open. But I really did not expect to be moved, touched. But I was. And that was lovely. The very first thing that happened when I walked through the door, was that two hands stretched out to me through a curtain. I put my hands in those two hands and there was a moment of stillness. The hands…

11/9 Going

Train ride in bright sunshine Stations wizzing by, then a bridge. Under September clouds a single bird turns and completes a new spiral.   The sunlight blinds me I close my eyes, let the frail warmth sink in and fill my features.   Time for waiting

Bridge builder and gab-explorer

In my work-life, I explore and build bridges in the gap between the public School and the national church in Denmark and aesthetics. More than 4000 pupils every year pass through my hands discussing, sensing, wondering, working, expressing, opening and asking for meaning in this gab. It is about understanding religion – not about practicing religion. The experiment is to let priests and churches be a reservoir of knowledge, history,…

The Gaze

What is the relationship between space and behavior? How does space guide our behavior? These – among others – are the questions that The Gaze tries to understand. The Gaze observes and studies people, makes notes and tries to draw conclusions. During Sisters Academy in Malmö, The Gaze will use his time to research these questions inside the academy. He will investigate how to research these questions in artistic ways….

The Geneva Project

The Geneva Project is an ongoing multi-disciplinary sensory experience where both the performer and the spectator are immersed in an environment that may be considered a dream space, a conjuring of worlds past, present and future, where time shifts in an instant, where light and dark operate simultaneously revealing the beauty and trauma of everyday life. Geneva is a conduit. Geneva brings to light that, which was once hidden.

The Voice of Gas

    The Voice of Gas is moving in a multiple universe. Transcending with stillness in her heart close to earth, giving voice to honesty. The truth is vibrating… Like an animal resonating with water and air, dreaming in a large scale, predicting and watching it all come toghether. The truth is vibrating… starting it all over again, dancing, singing, making love to the creation. Slowly accepting, slowly turning, slowly…

Travelling Time

The time before my stay as a Visiting Researcher stretches vastly before me, millions of sensory experiences and inputs and outputs lie between here and then. I am in my office now, in front of my screen, writing a methods chapter for an article on ideologies of futures, sorting out ideas and concepts, finding references, revising another article, moving forward though I am of course sitting very still as academics tend to do, writing…

The ignorant choreographer

The IGNORANT CHOREOGRAPHER and the EMANCIPATED DANCER – about group dances On delegated authorship, active collective dispossion and distributed responsility in dances made by groups. On dance as an expression rather than as an expression of something else.   Recently, my friend told me about a musician who writes symphonies by composing each and every one instrument separately, as in not in relation to the voices of the other instruments. This composer does not…