
blooming secret

a plastic bobble lies on my desk. inside of it is a time that is also inside of me. a moment in which different times that filled my head disappeared so there was only that. the weak light on the glasstable and reflected faces and patterns that circulated in my brain. water running through my body as a stream of vibrating light that makes me dance uncontrolled on the top of…

Behind the Gaze – The Voyeur at Sisters Academy

The first reaction will always be emotional. All of a sudden I heard myself stating this obvious truth. Regarding what happens in an individual och a group whenever a new situation, change etc. occurs. Such situations where we often are told or feel the need to ”be rational about it”. It is unfair to an extreme to demand a person who suffer from an emotional response to try to ignore…

Her Porcelain Spirit

I need time… I can´t speak just feel…. So let me try to explane some of my experiences… I had a feeling of one house full of peopel like me….peopel that think that the body the sences and the hart show you the rigth way throu this life. I had some pure beuty meetings with other souls at sisters academy. When I treat a person the body was already open…

Diary of the (w)Hole

DAY 1. {AND DAY 0.} First day of manifestation. Brain too tired to worry, so I was as happy and relaxed as exhausted. A girl came to my tableau today. I was a drained teacher after 2 hours of sleep, so I asked her what she wants to do. Not a class design I get high on (giving from my green light zone), but when I heard this, I knew it…

To the Moon and Back

I was once asked how I knew I had fallen in love. ”Why, it was when every day became poetry,” I replied. How would it feel then, to live as if you were always in love? That’s what I experienced at the Sisters Academy. Nothing was an accident at the Academy. A gorgeous, glimmering serendipity was everywhere, but accidents? None. Almost getting lost as one first entered the Academy, stumbling…

11/9 Going

Train ride in bright sunshine Stations wizzing by, then a bridge. Under September clouds a single bird turns and completes a new spiral.   The sunlight blinds me I close my eyes, let the frail warmth sink in and fill my features.   Time for waiting

After my first stay

I go through the exit rituals of preparing the bed for the next visitor, leaving the notebook in the archive with the charming Mode, waiting on the staircase with other students who are terminating their stay. The process is long and demanding on my patience, but I talk with some of the people I have met at this school. We smile, we hug, we do not want it to end,…

The Wheel of Time

The Light is eternal energy.   The Sound is Love.   Being in Time is difficult. Being in Time is beautiful.   Love & Sound Blue Poppy – The Angel of Light and Professor Time / Industrial Strange


7 døgn siden jeg gik ind og ud. Oplevelsen sidder som en lille lomme af energi i mit bryst. Et lille regnbuefarvet egern der vil løbe rundt. Og putter sig op af hjertet når jeg sover. Jeres vision berører mig. Halleluja for en moderne skole/reformation af skolesystemet og opgør med det fornuft paradigme vi lever for/i. Skønt med et ligeså radikal indslag som da Grundtvig fik idéen om Højskolen –…

A coarse kind of love

I am sceptical of the school system in a profound way. And it’s not just that it is a breeding ground for mobbing combined with adults inadequacy seeing it or dealing with it. It’s also because the principle of the system is viewing knowledge as something gained by repeating what others said before that is inherently conservative. To deal with this built-in problem the pupils must learn to question what…